Meet Little BIG Host, Vincent

by Little BIG

Do you have that writing itch but can’t find the motivation to get started? Always wanted to write a blog, an article or maybe a book but not sure where to start? No matter where you’re at in your writing journey, we could all use a bit of moral support and connection to stay motivated. This is exactly what Vincent has created at the Little BIG House Writing Space.

This fortnightly program, every second Tuesday 7pm – 9pm at the Little BIG House, is your chance to keep moving on those writing dreams and, with the support of others, you’ll be there in no time.

Where do I sign up, you ask? Keep reading to learn more about the writing space and its host, Vincent!

A lovely headshot of Vincent

We asked Vincent to tell us a bit more about the writing space he’s set up, and his experience as a Summer Hill local.

1. I’ve been a Summer Hill local since

2016 and I never want to leave!

2. This community is special to me because

The people are great and the village offers so much. My wife and I recently had our first child and we love the fact that she is being raised in such a fun and vibrant community.

3. My favourite thing about the Little BIG House is

That it has been so consciously created to help people connect with each other and engage with what matters in their lives.

4. The program I’m running in the Little BIG House is

The Little BIG House Writing Space – a time and a place for people to come in and work on any writing project that is close to their heart. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you’re at in your writing journey.

5. I hope this program will make participants feel

Free to pursue their creativity in whatever way works best for them, whether that is simply a space to lose themselves in their work for a couple of hours, or to connect with other writers, or a bit of both.

6. The top thing on my bucket list is

Writing a wildly successful novel. But even a wildly unsuccessful one would do.

7. I’m most grateful for

The time I get to spend with my family – especially in Summer Hill

8. The last Little BIG action I received from someone else was

On the first night of the Little BIG House Writing Space, Uppma from Chai Walli, who hosts her own Little BIG House events, popped by for support and to say hello. It made me feel very welcome and connected with the Little BIG Community.

Little BIG House Writing Space

When: Fortnightly on Tuesday– Next Session: Tuesday 14 June, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Place: The Little BIG House (at the Flour Mill of Summer Hill)

Cost: FREE

Bookings: No booking required, just drop in and join the group.

You’ve just met one of our Little BIG Hosts, Vincent!

What is a Little BIG Host, you ask? If you have an idea for an activity, event or community group that’s good for the ‘hood and brings people together at the Summer Hill Little BIG House, then you too could become a Little BIG Host.  

Share your ideas with us by filling out the contact form on our website.

“My wife and I recently had our first child and we love the fact that she is being raised in such a fun and vibrant community.”

― Vincent

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