Since joining the Little BIG Foundation in May 2021, George Miltenyi has become a pivotal figure in fostering a sense of true community within urban spaces. For George, the Foundation isn’t just an organisation; it’s a beacon of urban renewal at its finest. His passion for meeting residents, collaborating with volunteers, and planning activities that surprise and delight is contagious, and it’s evident in every interaction.
One of George’s major goals is to see the Little BIG Foundation become a model for developers worldwide—a blueprint for building communities rather than just structures. He envisions a future where residents take the reins, running the Foundation for themselves, with LBF hubs springing up across Australia, setting the standard for best practices in residential developments.
His involvement in the Foundation is deeply personal. Having lived in places where isolation and loneliness were the norms, George knows firsthand the importance of creating a community where people feel a sense of belonging and support. This drive to connect people has led to memorable moments, such as being told at a Christmas party that the Little BIG House saved a resident’s sanity and gave them hope to continue. It’s these stories that fuel George’s commitment to the Foundation.
Outside of his work with the Little BIG Foundation, George enjoys walking, cycling, sailing, and playing board games, though he admits his favorite pastime is simply chatting with interesting people—especially his grandson, who he considers his “favorite waste of time.” His personal life is grounded in the values instilled by his wife, Mary, who embodies goodness, kindness, and selflessness, and by his mother, whose spirit of generosity and perseverance continues to inspire him.
When asked for advice on community service, George highlights the rewards that come from making sacrifices for others. He believes that true fulfillment comes from doing something important for others, even when it’s not easy. Community service, in his view, requires tolerance, flexibility, and a genuine belief in the cause.
As someone who doesn’t work full-time, George finds that his volunteer work with the Foundation gives him energy, purpose, and challenge. And while he may jokingly delude himself into thinking he’s a great table tennis player, there’s no doubt that his real talent lies in bringing people together, creating a sense of community, and making a lasting impact through the Little BIG Foundation.
Here’s more about George:
I’ve been involved with the Little BIG Foundation since …
May 2021
This community is special to me because …
It’s the focus of the Foundation and represents urban renewal at its best.
My favourite aspect of the Little BIG Foundation is …
Meeting residents, working with volunteers and planning activities that surprise delight local people.
The initiative I’m most passionate about within the Little BIG Foundation is …
Management Committee, BBQ’s and Safe Space, oh yeah game nights!!
A major goal I have for the Little BIG Foundation is …
It becomes a model for developers on how to build communities not just buildings.
How do you envision the future of the Little BIG Foundation?
Run by residents for residents. I see Little BIG Foundation springing up all over Australia. I see us being best-practice in residential developments that have a real sense of community.
I’m most grateful for …
Working with Sarah, Maggie and the Board. Adam Geha is generous, fun, innovative and so full of energy.
The most impactful Little BIG moment I’ve experienced within the foundation is …
Hearing some of the personal stories of our volunteers and residents who turn up at the Little BIG House. This is the real magic!