Katrina has been leading sound meditation sessions at the Little BIG House for over two years, using her experience as a professional singer to create a healing experience with crystal singing bowls and her operatic voice. Her journey into sound healing began when she attended a workshop in Queensland, where the emotional response from others revealed the potential of her unique talent.

Katrina discovered the Little BIG House by chance when a friend recommended the venue to her. Instantly, she felt a deep connection to the space, recognising it as the perfect environment for her sound healing practice. Rather than relying on a variety of instruments, Katrina focuses on simplicity, using only the bowls and her voice. This minimalist approach helps participants relax and find inner stillness, particularly those dealing with stress and emotional struggles. What started with only four attendees has grown into a thriving community of people seeking healing and connection.

One particularly moving experience was with a family whose lives were transformed through regular participation in her sessions. Their daughter found peace during Katrina’s meditations, bringing newfound harmony into their home. Stories like these fuel her passion for holistic well-being.

Katrina’s vision for the future includes expanding her practice online, bringing her healing sounds to a wider audience. She’s continually refining the acoustics to ensure the bowls’ resonance translates beautifully through digital platforms. For now, she continues to host her transformative sessions at the Little BIG House, where the acoustics of Level 1 perfectly complement the healing energy she creates.

For those feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or simply in need of a peaceful retreat, Katrina’s sound meditation sessions offer a transformative experience. Her sessions provide a unique opportunity to reconnect with one’s inner self through the healing power of sound, allowing participants to relax and restore balance.

Here’s more about Katrina:

I’ve been a Summer Hill local since …

I have just celebrated my 2nd anniversary connected to Summer Hill.

This community is special to me because …

It’s always about the people. I found the Summer Hill community after moving from interstate (Melbourne) and I loved getting the opportunity to meet people from all sorts of life angles, with different life stories and perceptions that still come together to share activities and knowledge. That’s what’s special to me because that’s what makes up a community to me, a welcoming group that accepts the differences and helps them have a place to live amongst the rest.

My favourite thing about the Little BIG House is …

The diverse activity opportunity. There’s always something interesting to get involved with.

The event / program I’m running in the Little BIG House is …

The vocal Sound Meditations run every 2nd Tuesday and 4th Saturday of the month. With my 25+ years of spiritual and vocal practice, these sound baths guide people into a state of deep peace, clarity, and emotional renewal, raising their vibration to help them reconnect with their body, inner voice and true self.

I hope this event / program will make participants feel …

a deep sense of calm and restoration as I use my channeled voice and crystal singing bowls to soothe their nervous system and release tension and stress. Each session is different as I am intuitively guided [by their energy] to align participants with the frequencies they need for emotional balance and inner peace.

{This is a FELT experience, so if that explanation doesn’t make sense to anyone, that’s ok, I simply encourage them to come down to the LBH and feel what it’s like in person, knowing I will take care of their nerves in trying something new.}

The top thing on my bucket list is …

To visit the Egyptian Pyramids; and connect with the wild gorillas in Africa.

I’m most grateful for …

My/Our breath! – No matter what is going on around or within me, I know that I can always receive, give and connect to myself, source and another being in an instant as I connect to the power and reassurance my breath reminds me of. It holds so much love and healing abilities, and is our own source of power that we can turn to any time we need a boost of confidence, control or stillness.

The last Little BIG thing / action I did for someone else or received from someone was …

I feel like I always receive Little BIG help at the end of all my sound healings as everyone wants to help me pack up and carry my bags down to my car because they felt so connected to the experience. And that really touches my heart too. I feel like I’m moving house every time I leave for another healing session, so I really appreciate their love of me and my offerings by doing that.

The last little BIG thing I did for another was to notice that some of the other hosts during an event needed some care and grounding, so I chose to ask them if they needed any reassuring touch or conversation about it. They chose a hug, and I was very happy to share that moment with them so they could feel better.

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