Organic Buyers Group – Produce Pick-up

May 6, 2024 at 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm

Order produce together, save money and volunteer!

We order fresh, organic fruit and vegetables together and meet at the Little BIG House to divvy the produce amongst us, have a chat and connect.

Member boxes cost $45 and contain a mix of 100% certified organic fruit and vegetables dependent on what is in season and what is good value from our suppliers. The wholesale price of organic fruit and vegetables is about the same as the retail price of non-organic fruit and vegetables. So you would normally get at least the same amount of fruit and vegetables as you would at the supermarket and a lot more than you would get from a regular organic supplier. Each box is roughly enough for 4 people for a week and you don’t need to order every week. Just when you need it.

This group is run by it’s members on a volunteer basis, it is not a service. When you come to pick up your box, you pitch-in to divvy up the produce and clean up. We all have a great time doing it!

If you’re interested in being more involved there are opportunities to volunteer to be the divvy coordinator, place the orders and choose the produce, coordinate memberships and get involved in other ways.

Join and order by clicking the Book Now button below.

More information here:



May 6, 2024
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm


On-site: Ground Floor
16 Flour Mill Way, Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia + Google Map
Event Category:

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